Dear students,
I have spent all summer reading as much as I could get my hands on to prepare myself for you to enter my classroom. Your principal (my boss :0) had me read a great book on education. I started with that one because I figured I'd get my "homework" out of the way. One chapter in, I was hooked. It didn't feel like homework at all. It motivated me and inspired me to be the best teacher I can be for you this school year.
After completing my "educational" book, I decided it was time for a trip to Barnes and Noble to check out some bestselling fiction books to sink my teeth into. I have several friends who had been recommending that I read The Hunger Games trilogy. I had ignored them for almost a year because I just hadn't had the time during school to do much reading for my own pleasure. Since I hadn't seen the movie, and I knew it was a book I'd probably enjoy, I bought book one. I came home, settled myself down in my comfy cozy reading chair and began. The next day I had finished book one and was quite depressed that the story was over. See, when I find a good book, I don't just read the words....I enter the world....I live there. My next mission was to, of course, finish the next two books. This took about a week.
From there, my summer reading has taken on a life of its own. I have found a theme I enjoy. You'll find that it is a theme running throughout each book we will read in 5th grade. I am so excited to take you on a journey with me this year. With each book we read (and we will read a LOT), we will enter into a new world, a new experience. So strap on your gear.....It's going to be a great adventure!
Looking forward to getting started,
Mrs. DuBose